Population Bali 2025. Bali province in figures 2025. Bali city population data has been obtained from public.
Covering an area of 2,230 square miles or 5,780 square kilometres, it’s about five times the size of hong kong. Current, historical, and projected population, growth rate, immigration, median age, total fertility rate (tfr), population density, urbanization, urban.
Current, Historical, And Projected Population, Growth Rate, Immigration, Median Age, Total Fertility Rate (Tfr), Population Density, Urbanization, Urban.
The schedule census of 2021 for bali city is postponed due to covid.
Bali Is One Of 43 Cities In Cameroon And Ranks 32 In The Cameroon Population.
The data reached an all.
Microsoft Ceo Satya Nadella Says The Company Will Invest $1.7 Billion In Expanding Its Presence And Building Datacenters In.
Images References :
Merupakan Publikasi Tahunan Yang Menggambarkan Keadaan Provinsi Bali Secara Umum, Yakni Dari Sisi Geografi, Iklim,.
Indonesia is predominantly muslim (90%), with only 1.6% of.
In 2020, Population For Bali Was 4,414.4 Thousand Persons.
Denpasar is the home to almost a quarter of the island’s population, with 850,600.
With So Many Nationalities Living In Bali Bringing Their Own Language And Culture,.